Dovit Drilled Halibut Hook Pellet пелети в дип

- Аромат: Различни аромати
- Тегло (гр.): 120 гр.
- Пелети
- Dovit Унгария
Избери вариант

Due to the higher fish meal content (that means fish meal of sea flatfish in this case) our brown halibut pellet has the highest protein content (44%). Besides this it has a very high, 25% fat content. Furthermore it also contains several amino acids and vitamin, so it’s also a very catchy bait.
It saves its lure effect continuously during this time, as active substances are dissolving very slowly and slightly. Because of this we mostly offer the larger versions to bigger carps.
It’s better to use halibut pellets in warm water, but we can use the smaller, 8mm variant with success in autumn cooled off water.
We are coating the halibut pellets with efficient DIPs made by us to grow their natural appeal. We are laying the stiff DIP to the pellets during manufacturing, so it will last for a long time, because it’s suck in the coat of granules. The outer DIP layer will dissolve quickly after arriving to the water. Hereby it draws the fishes faster to the normail halibuts. While the DIP in the coat means a long appeal in the same time.
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