Delphin Iseama Ring Hookaido Hooks Куки #4

- Размер: #4
- Единични куки
- Delphin
Цената е за 1 опаковка от 10+1 броя. Цвят : Black Nickel Delphin Iseama Ring са куки за ежедневна употреба. Те са здрави, остри и не губят остротата си дори след многократна употреба. Това са универсални куки подходящи както при риболов на мирни риби, така и при риболов на хищници.
Hooks of a red series Delphin HOOKAIDO are designed for every day fishing trips. They are very resistant, sharp and don´t lose their shape even after being used many times. They are made of high quality material. Thanks to their colour and size difference of this series every angler can choose the most suitable one. Asymmetric package 10+1 enables anglers more simpler choice of a hook needed.
Delphin HKD ISEAMA is an extraordinary strong hook suitable for hunting for bigger predators. They have a wide variety of usage, they can even be used for carp fishing with a method feeder with pellets or other lures placed away from the hook.
Технически параметри:
- с ухо
- с анти връх
- извита ос
- напречно сечение: сплескано
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